rimac group

rimac group

Rimac Group is Croatia’s Number 1 Patent Application Holder

Lauren Simmonds

July the 9th, 2024 – The Rimac Group (Rimac Grupa) headed by entrepreneur Mate Rimac is Croatia’s number one in ...

rimac group

Rimac Group Boasts Assets in Excess of 1 Billion Euros

Lauren Simmonds

May the 8th, 2024 – The remarkable Rimac Group headed by Croatian entrepreneur Mate Rimac has boasted of its assets ...

rimac campus

First Phase of Rimac Campus Nearing Completion

Lauren Simmonds

December the 5th, 2023 – The first phase of the much anticipated Rimac Campus is now entering completion, and within ...

Rimac-Europa-Park Cooperation Announced

Lauren Simmonds

August the 12th, 2023 – Yet more fantastic news and publicity for Croatia comes in the form of the recently ...

Jurica Galoic/PIXSELL

Croatian Inventor Mate Rimac Nominated for Businessman of the Year

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/VL/Tanja Ivancic writes, the expert jury nominated Croatian inventor Mate Rimac for businessman of the year this year, ...

Photo: Luka Stanzl/PIXSELL

SoftBank and Goldman Sachs Invest €500 Million in Rimac Group

Total Croatia News

Rimac Group announced that EUR 500 million of investments were collected in investment round D, which exceeded the total market ...

Rimac Offering €1000 to Anyone Who Recommends Someone He Employs

Lauren Simmonds

The Livno-born businessman who is the head of the currently Sveta Nedelja-based Rimac Automobili, is now offering a very handsome ...

Mate Rimac: We Want to Develop Profitable Company, Create Something New

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Zoran Vitas writes, after a joint venture with Bugatti and the creation of the new Rimac Group, Mate ...

Mate Rimac/Screenshot/Facebook

Porsche Controls 58.2% of Rimac Company Following Spectacular Bugatti Deal

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Ana Blaskovic writes, drowning in the proverbial Croatian sea of ​​gloomy news about the failure of the vaccination rollout ...