Lauren Simmonds

cape kamenjak

Incredible Archaeological Find Near Cape Kamenjak in Istria

Lauren Simmonds

July the 8th, 2024 – Croatia abounds in countless archaeological discoveries, and the most recent one near Cape Kamenjak in ...

banki green istrian village

Banki Green Istrian Village: Investment in Continental Tourism

Lauren Simmonds

July the 7th, 2024 – The Banko family have been living in the area of Tinjan in Istria for generations, ...

croatian employment

Croatian Employment Rate Never Higher

Lauren Simmonds

July the 7th, 2024 – The Croatian employment rate has never been higher than it currently is, but is it ...

croatian vampire

Meet The Croatian Vampire, Jure Grando

Lauren Simmonds

July the 6th, 2024 – Did you know that one of the only people to have been recorded historically as ...

albino sea cucumber croatian waters

Rare Albino Sea Cucumber Filmed in Croatian Waters

Lauren Simmonds

July the 6th, 2024 – A rare albino sea cucumber has been filmed in Croatian waters. Albino examples of these ...

summer on lastovo

Summer on Lastovo – Croatia’s Southernmost Inhabited Island

Lauren Simmonds

July the 5th, 2024 – Summer on Lastovo (Ljeto na Lastovu) celebrates everything Croatia’s southernmost inhabited island can boast of, ...

croatian public debt

Croatian Public Debt Reached 63.3% of GDP At The End Of March

Lauren Simmonds

July the 5th, 2024 – The level of Croatian public debt reached 63.3 percent of the country’s GDP back at ...

croatian national service

How Will Croatian National Service Look?

Lauren Simmonds

July the 4th, 2024 – Croatian national service is set to make a comeback, and the Defence Ministry has shed ...

croatian air

As Norway Cracks Down on Cruisers, Croatian Air is Polluted

Lauren Simmonds

July the 4th, 2024 – From 2026, only cruise ships powered by alternative fuels will be allowed to visit the ...

pula saint thomas

Pula Celebrates Patron Saint – Saint Thomas

Lauren Simmonds

July the 3rd, 2024 – The beautiful Istrian city of Pula will continue a tradition which spans generations and celebrate ...