life in croatia


Comparison Is The Thief of Joy: Ups & Downs in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

June the 1st, 2024 – Comparison is the thief of joy, goes the old adage. The ups and downs in ...

Matija Habljak/PIXSELL

The Ups and Downs of Life in Croatia – Comparison is the Thief of Joy

Lauren Simmonds

One trap you will naturally end up falling into, whether you express it or not, is comparing Croatia to your ...


Quarantine Escape or Something More: How French Youth Live In Croatia

Total Croatia News

They came to Croatia for different volunteering projects regardless of coronavirus pandemic, but likely would recommend their new abode to ...

World Happiness Report on Croatia: How Did Country Jump to 23rd Place?

Lauren Simmonds

As Novac/Marina Klepo writes, Croatia hasn’t been able to boast about its excellent ranking on any of the numerous charts of ...

25 Odd Facts About Life in Croatia, a Land of Paradox

Total Croatia News

If we had a kuna for every paradox in Croatia, we’d be able to retire right now, but we’ll settle ...