foreigners in croatia


Comparison Is The Thief of Joy: Ups & Downs in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

June the 1st, 2024 – Comparison is the thief of joy, goes the old adage. The ups and downs in ...

foreigners in croatia

The 3 Stages for Foreigners in Croatia: Love, Hate & Nirvana

Paul Bradbury

May the 7th, 2024 – Life as a long-term foreigner in Croatia is rather fun. Here are the three stages of ...

working in croatia

Slovenians Enjoy Working in Croatia Despite Lower Pay

Lauren Simmonds

May the 6th, 2024 – Slovenians aren’t often in the spotlight when it comes to foreign workers in this country, ...

croatian law on foreign workers

New Croatian Law on Foreign Workers Looms

Lauren Simmonds

January the 25th, 2024 – With more and more foreign nationals arriving to live and work in the country, a ...

croatian workforce

Foreign Workers to Eventually Make up Quarter of Croatian Workforce?

Lauren Simmonds

December the 8th, 2023 – There are more and more foreign workers from distant countries turning up in Croatia, as ...

croatian construction sector

Croatian Construction Sector Filling Up With Foreign Workers

Lauren Simmonds

July the 14th, 2023 – The share of foreign nationals employed within the Croatian construction sector is still increasing as ...

croatian labour market

Croatian Labour Market More Dependent on Foreigners

Lauren Simmonds

June the 14th, 2023 – The Croatian labour market is becoming more and more dependent on foreign nationals, with the ...

croatian state institutions

Foreigners to Work for Croatian State Institutions

Lauren Simmonds

June the 10th, 2023 – Soon, foreign nationals will be permitted to work for Croatian state institutions, and AI is ...

Matija Habljak/PIXSELL

The Ups and Downs of Life in Croatia – Comparison is the Thief of Joy

Lauren Simmonds

One trap you will naturally end up falling into, whether you express it or not, is comparing Croatia to your ...

Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

How to Croatia – New People, Expat Groups, Homesickness and More

Lauren Simmonds

Remember when you were a kid and it was enough to tell another random kid you’d never met before that ...

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