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September 19, 2023 – During his visit to Hamilton, president Zoran Milanovic told Croats in Canada that Croatia does not need their money because they have already given enough of it. It does need their love and to remain what they are, adding that it is up to them to decide whether they will return to Croatia.

“It is your assessment and decision whether you should return to Croatia. Our heart is open to your experience, knowledge, intelligence, and above all love for the homeland, for Croatia and its traditions. You have given enough money. Croatia does not need your money, but needs your love and for you to remain what you are,” Milanović told the Croatian emigrants in Hamilton, Canada. As Index writes, he visited the Croatian parish of Sveti Križ, which marked its 65th anniversary.

President’s First Time Visiting Croats in Canada

As stated in the press release from the President’s Office, he met the coadjutor bishop of Srijem, Msgr. Fabijan Svalina, who came to Canada for the anniversary. The Croatian clergy from Ontario, the president and his wife Sanja Musić Milanovic attended the holy mass.

“This church was built with the hands, money, effort, and work of our people. This area and this church have been Croatian for 65 years,” said Milanović. He congratulated the clergy and Croatian emigrants on the 65th anniversary of the Croatian Parish of the Holy Cross. He told Croats in Canada that he would remember this visit as very nice and warm, especially since this is his first visit to Canada.

“Let’s go to work to make a country that they will be proud of”

“After this, we will continue to work to try to make Croatia a country that you will return to by intuition and feeling. If you make such a decision, because it must not be imposed, and a country that, even if you do not return to, you will be extremely proud of “, said Milanovic. He will also participate in the session of the UN General Assembly in New York next week.

“Proud not only because in football we beat the bigger and richer, but also because it will simply be a nice, decent, peaceful and good place to live. A place where man is respected, family is respected, where everyone has the right to their privacy. Where people have enough so that they can save, earn, and get rich if they see the point in it. But where everyone has the right to seek happiness, concluded Milanovic.

The city of Hamilton is home to the second largest Croatian community in Canada, after Toronto, and Croats in Hamilton have a long tradition because, in addition to the Croatian parish, there is also the oldest active Croatian organization in Canada – the Croatian National Home, which celebrates its 95th anniversary this year.

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Croatian Americans Cultural Foundation’s 30th anniversary celebrated in Washington https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/diaspora-news/croatian-americans-cultural-foundation/ https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/diaspora-news/croatian-americans-cultural-foundation/#respond Tue, 18 Jul 2023 17:04:32 +0000 https://total-croatia-news.com/?p=160024 July the 18th, 2023 – The National Federation of Croatian Americans Cultural Foundation (NFCACF) celebrated its 30th anniversary on June the 3rd in Washington, D.C. As a national umbrella organisation, the NFCACF was founded in Chicago in September 1993.  The NFCACF continues to be a strong advocate for the Croatian American community, especially in American politics and diplomacy, thanks to ... Read more

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July the 18th, 2023 – The National Federation of Croatian Americans Cultural Foundation (NFCACF) celebrated its 30th anniversary on June the 3rd in Washington, D.C.

As a national umbrella organisation, the NFCACF was founded in Chicago in September 1993.  The NFCACF continues to be a strong advocate for the Croatian American community, especially in American politics and diplomacy, thanks to the charter that was ratified by twenty Croatian American groups. Over the last decade, the organisation has undertaken many innovative cultural and educational projects of great interest to the community. 

Sanja Bogovic

The Assembly of Delegates of the NFCACF met this time with 28 delegates from a dozen Croatian American organizations to discuss a wide range of issues. Initiatives, such as the Congressional Croatian Caucus, the NFCACF-Croatian Fraternal Union (CFU), Croatian American Sports Hall of Fame (CAS-HOF), the new Youth Committee, the Art Donation Committee, and the History Speaker Series were a few of the major topics discussed. At the delegate’s meeting, the following Executive Committee officers were elected: Steve Rukavina-President, Biljana Lovrinovic-Abel, Executive Vice President, and three Vice Presidents: John Kraljic, Mario Spalatin, and Ron Zivic. National Treasurer Adam Radman was re-elected as the National Treasurer, and also, were Anna Maria Sicenica-Secretary and Mark Plavetic-Assistant Secretary, and with Officers-At-Large Bernadette Luketich-Sikaras and Carolyn Bruno.  There were seventeen Board Members elected too on Saturday. 

As a result of his incredible dedication to the NFCACF since its founding in 1993, Dr. Joseph Cindrich received the first ever “NFCACF Legacy Award.” The award was given to Dr. Cindrich for his service as former NFCACF president in 1998 and six-term member of the board. Unfortunately, Dr. Joseph Cindrich was unable to attend the event in person, but upon receiving the news at his home in Menlo Park, CA, he expressed his gratitude, stating, “As a dedicated Croatian, I was very proud in being co-founder the establishment of National Federation of Croatian Americans in the 1990s and later served as its President.” Dr. Cindrich was also honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018 for his assistance to the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and for all his Croatian activism, including his many years on the Board of Directors of the Croatian Scholarship Fund (CA). NFCACF president, Steve Rukavina, expressed his group’s intention to annually recognise and pay tribute to Croatian American activists who played a crucial role in the establishment of our national umbrella organisation.  

The NFCACF Anne Pavlich “Volunteer of the Year” award was presented to Joe Brajevich (San Pedro CA) for his contribution to the NFCACF Special Olympics Committee. The amount of funds raised by him set a record for Croatia’s Special Olympics organization and were used to fully sponsor Croatia’s twenty-member delegation at the Summer World Games in Berlin, Germany, which begins on June 17th with 7,500 athletes from 140 countries. 

A public session was held in the afternoon featuring the Croatian Ambassador Pjer Simunovic (US-Croatian Alliance), as well as Professor Edward P. Joseph of Johns Hopkins-SAIS (Southeast Europe regional issues); Sherry Ricchiardi (War Journalism/Croatia 1991), Richard Lolich (Croatian American Sports HOF and its inaugural ceremony in Cleveland in October 2022), Joe Foley (Washington Report-Congressional Croatian Caucus), and Steve Rukavina, NFCACF President (“40 Highlights Over 30 Years”). 

Sanja Bogovic

In celebration of this milestone anniversary, the NFCACF held a reception at the Croatian Embassy on Saturday night. The Cosmopolitan Grill catered the meal for the sixty guests, while Croatian Premium Wines provided Croatian wines, including Malvazija and Plavac Mali. Speakers at the evening reception included Michael Sawkiw from the Ukrainian Congress of America, and Pulitzer Prize winner Roy Gutman (author of A Witness to Genocide). During the Embassy reception, Maya Brlecic, an internationally acclaimed pianist from Zagreb, played to fill the air with celebration music while Croatian wine smiles flourished. 

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TCN New York Correspondent Srecko Mavrek Gains Recognition https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/srecko-mavrek/ https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/srecko-mavrek/#respond Sun, 12 Mar 2023 20:29:18 +0000 https://total-croatia-news.com/?p=127955 Last week in Bad Homburg, Germany, the winners of the 17th Vecernjak’s selection of the most popular Croats in the diaspora were announced in the categories of sport, music, acting and showbiz for the 2023 Vecernjakova Domovnica Award. This year’s “Vecernji list” newspaper awards ceremony was also held under the sponsorship of the Minister of Foreign ... Read more

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Last week in Bad Homburg, Germany, the winners of the 17th Vecernjak’s selection of the most popular Croats in the diaspora were announced in the categories of sport, music, acting and showbiz for the 2023 Vecernjakova Domovnica Award. This year’s “Vecernji list” newspaper awards ceremony was also held under the sponsorship of the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and the Croatian Heritage Foundation.

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Srecko Mavrek, TCN correspondent from New York and one of the hosts of Croatian Radio New York “Voice of Free Croatia”, also received special recognition.

Srecko Mavrek was born in Varaždin in 1969, and his origin is from Ivanec. He studied in Zagreb, Pecs, Graz and New York, and was one of the prominent student leaders at the University of Zagreb, where he was elected to the presidency of the Student Union and served as a representative for the social-humanistic-theological field in the university senate.

Before leaving for the USA, he worked as a researcher and lecturer at the University of Udine in Italy, the Karl-Franz University of Graz in Austria, the University of Augsburg in Germany and the University of Pécs in Hungary. He currently works as a swimming and physical education teacher for the New York City Department of Education.

He is also an adjunct lecturer at Hostos Community College, the City University of New York. As an internationally recognised expert in education, he was the official representative of the Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education at the United Nations Department for Global Communications.

He received several prestigious professional awards and recognitions, such as the 2016 President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition Community Leadership Award. Mavrek sings tenor in the well-known New York klapa Astoria, which became famous by performing the American national anthem at the Croatian Heritage Night in Madison Square Garden on January 11, 2019. In Science of Music, he composes folk and world music and plays various instruments. He is also a correspondent for the Croatian Information Agency (HIA).

Srecko Mavrek is a highly respected Croatian lobbyist and promoter of Croatian national heritage and culture in America and around the world. For this reason, last Sunday he received one more recognition from the American-Croatian Congress at a ceremony held at the famous Dubrovnik restaurant in New Rochelle, New York, owned by Zeljko Tomic from the island of Lopud.

The ceremony was preceded by the premiere of the HRT documentary “Ana Mljecka”, which promotes Croatia, the island of Mljet and the Mljet National Park around the world, and is dedicated to the traditional way of life on the Adriatic and the Croatian islands, showing the cultural heritage of the island through the biographical story of Ana Strazicic Rodriguez, a well-known Croatian expatriate who has been living and working in America for decades.

During his speech at the award ceremony, Srecko Mavrek thanked the entire American-Croatian Congress, which recognised his contribution to the Croatian community in New York, and he also said that it was a really great honor for him personally to be among other award winners such as Jere Kursar, Zvonko Crnogorac and all others who for many years have been contributing to the promotion and reputation of Croatia and the Croatian community in New York and New Jersey with their voluntary and humanitarian work.

As a respected member and journalist of the American-Croatian Congress, he also announced that after this recognition, he will become even more involved in a series of projects at the local community level and globally.

Mavrek UN 1

Mavrek UN 2

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Father Vuk Buljan Receives 2023 Alojzije Stepinac Award https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/father-vuk-buljan/ https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/father-vuk-buljan/#respond Sun, 19 Feb 2023 14:59:35 +0000 https://total-croatia-news.com/?p=127594 The Alojzije Stepinac awards search for and identify outstanding Croats living in the diaspora, whose selfless dedication, contribution and/or philanthropy during their lifetime have significantly contributed to their own Croatian community, the advancement of the Republic of Croatia and the unity of Croats living both in the Homeland and abroad. The award, a statue of ... Read more

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The Alojzije Stepinac awards search for and identify outstanding Croats living in the diaspora, whose selfless dedication, contribution and/or philanthropy during their lifetime have significantly contributed to their own Croatian community, the advancement of the Republic of Croatia and the unity of Croats living both in the Homeland and abroad.

fra Vuk nagrada 2 23 001 HKM Cologne

The award, a statue of Alojzije Stepinac and a plaque were presented to Father Buljan last Sunday by “Croatian Patriot” Association member Marinko Šušak who, along with two other members, came to Cologne from Zagreb for the occasion. Along with about five hundred believers, the consul of the Republic of Croatia in Düsseldorf, Dr. Ivan Bulić, attended the ceremony.

Father Vuk Buljan is a member of the Franciscan Province of the Holy Redeemer, based in Split. He was born in 1964 in Podbablje near Imotski. He was ordained a priest in 1991, and since 1993 he has been working as a missionary among Croats in Germany: 20 years in Munich and 10 years in Cologne. Since 1994, he has been president of the charity “Hands of Kindness”, which aims to help sick children of fallen Croatian veterans and disabled people affected by the Homeland War in a special way. In addition, Fr. Vuk was recognized as a tireless and ardent promoter of love for God, love for humanity and patriotism. 

fra Vuk nagrada 2 23 002 HKM Cologne

During his speech of thanks, Father Vuk Buljan emphasised the fact that he received this award because of all of the noble believers and good people who enabled him to do good for others.

Video: Fr. Vuk’s speech of thanks for the award

fra_Vuk_nagrada_2_23-001 HKM Cologne fra_Vuk_nagrada_2_23-002 HKM Cologne

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Croatian Radio New York Launches Podcast Called Study in Croatia https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/croatian-radio-new-york/ https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/croatian-radio-new-york/#respond Mon, 23 Jan 2023 09:19:00 +0000 https://total-croatia-news.com/?p=127188 Croatian Radio New York launches a podcast ‘Study in Croatia’. The aim of this podcast is to inform high school students, their parents, relatives and friends about the possibilities and admission processes for studying at the Croatian universities and colleges. During the first two podcasts, six higher education institutions were presented. Podcasts were hosted by ... Read more

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Croatian Radio New York launches a podcast ‘Study in Croatia’. The aim of this podcast is to inform high school students, their parents, relatives and friends about the possibilities and admission processes for studying at the Croatian universities and colleges. During the first two podcasts, six higher education institutions were presented. Podcasts were hosted by Joseph Bogovic, senior at Townsend Harris High School in Queens, Srecko Mavrek, Croatian Radio NY host, Sara Skoda, college counselor at Townsend Harris High School in Queens, and Petra Pesa, Croatian Radio NY president and host. Boris Vilic, dean of the School of Professional Studies at Albright College in Pennsylvania, gave his introductory and final remarks to the podcast participants. He also introduced his voluntary work as a chair of the charitable foundation of the Association of Croatian American Professionals, ACAP, through which he led the creation of the Domovina Birthright Summer Program and several collaborations with institutions in higher education in Croatia.

Podcast Study in Croatia 1

Studying at the Rochester Institute of Technology Croatia (RIT Croatia) was presented by dean Don Hudspeth, a Canadian that has been with RIT Croatia since the beginning and lives with his family in Dubrovnik, and Ivan Smoljan, Recruitment and Enrollment Specialist. Valentina Vucenik, RIT Croatia freshmen, described her experience and student’s life in Zagreb.

Izabela Oletic Tusek, Head of International Department at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FOI) in Varazdin, and prof dr. sc. Violeta Vidacek Hains, Head of Student Research Symposium in collaboration with Universities in USA and College Professor, introduced studying options at the FOI. Students Jerry John Antolos and Erik Duranec described their views and excitement about studying at the FOI in Varazdin.

Dean Dr. Sc. Mato Njavro introduced the Zagreb School of Economics and Management (Croatian: Zagrebačka škola ekonomije i managementa, abbreviated as ZŠEM), which is a private business school located in Zagreb. Founded in 2002, ZSEM provides undergraduate and graduate education in economics, management, finance, marketing, and accounting. ZSEM has been voted the best business school in Croatia for five consecutive years, most recently in 2012, and is Croatia’s largest private institution of higher education. In 2013, the Zagreb School of Economics and Management became the first business school in Croatia to receive AACSB accreditation. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, also known as AACSB International, is an American professional organization. It was founded as the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business in 1916 to provide accreditation to schools of business, and was later known as the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business and as the International Association for Management Education. Ruzica Lipovac, student at ZSEM, was born and raised in New York. She moved to Zagreb and followed in her older brother’s footsteps to enroll in the Zagreb School of Economics & Management. As a former International Baccalaureate student, with all her studies being in English, she wanted to continue having a global learning experience. The knowledge obtained has given her the expertise to help run businesses in the US and Croatia.  

Lovre Kolega, ZSEM alumni, is from the USA, specifically Florida. He moved to Croatia in 2013 to attend high school and continued studies at the Zagreb School of Economics and Management – completing the undergraduate program in Economics and Management. During studies at ZSEM, with the support of ZSEM’s Career Center he got an internship at Rimac Technology, where he was immediately hired after graduating and where he is currently continuing his career path as a Project Coordinator.

The University of Rijeka is in the City of Rijeka, the third largest city in Croatia and the main Croatian port. As one of the largest universities in the region, it comprises 12 Faculties and 4 Departments, which offer more than 172 accredited study programs. University of Rijeka welcomes international students through student mobility stays, degree study programs or research/guest activities. To support mobility, the University has signed more than 600 bilateral Erasmus agreements with 30 countries and takes part in various bilateral and multilateral ventures in higher education. Students who wish to enroll in full degree study programs at University of Rijeka have the possibility of choosing study programs in English and Croatian language, attainable on undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate study level. Podcast speakers from the University of Rijeka were:

Prof Dr. Sc. Marta Zuvic, vice-rector for studies, students and quality assurance University of Rijeka

Marija Spoljaric  – Student International Business at Business College at University of Rijeka, student ambassador on the Ambassador Platform

Tyler Zanki – alumni born and raised in New Jersey to Croatian Parents. Graduated with a Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering in May of 2020. A year ago, he moved to Croatia, and now is studying at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology at the University of Zagreb. 

Aspira University College is a private college and a nonprofit institution, which organizes and conducts professional studies of Sport Management, Computer Science – Program Engineering, International Management in Hospitality and Tourism and Hospitality and Tourism Management. Aspira was presented by the following speakers:

Petra Mandac – Assistant Dean of International Cooperation

Josip Radic – International Relations Coordinator

Laura Mishevska – student

Algebra University College offers to the next generation of its students a possibility to study in English on validated bachelor study programs in the fields of computing, design and management and a unique chance to receive a Dual Degree from AUC and Goldsmiths, University of London. Algebra University College is the flagship of largest private educational organization in Republic of Croatia and the region (Algebra group), present today in more than 20 cities across Croatia. Founded in 1998, they currently have more than 150 full-time employees and more than 600 associated experts and higher educational faculties employed also in industry. Algebra is located in historic CUC campus in the heart of Croatian capital Zagreb, while adult education and training programs are conducted also in: Osijek, Pula, Rijeka, Zadar, Split, Varazdin and Dubrovnik, as well as in more than ten other smaller cities. Algebra University College was presented by:

Hrvoje Josip Balen – President of the Board of Trustees at Algebra University College   and

Lidija Šimrak – Head of the International Office at Algebra University College.

“It was a great pleasure to moderate this informative podcast together with Joseph, who is such talented young man. Valentina was also a great contributor to discussions. I strongly believe in a big potential of the young people. My hope is that studying in Croatia will strengthen the ties between Croatia and Croatian communities around the world and develop solidarity among Croatian youth from many diaspora communities and homeland”, said Mavrek.

Podcast Study in Croatia 3 2

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My home in Croatia: A Portrait of Frano Donjerković, an Artist from Korčula https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/frano-donjerkovic/ https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/frano-donjerkovic/#respond Mon, 02 Jan 2023 08:03:09 +0000 https://total-croatia-news.com/?p=126871 The nostalgic, warm, ultimately feel-good read was sent to us by the author of the text originally published in Melbourne in Hrvatski Vjesnik (Croatian Herald), the largest circulating Croatian language (with English insert) weekly newspaper in the global Croatian diaspora. It runs about 7,000 copies and has a digital presence, too, including Facebook. The story features Frano ... Read more

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The nostalgic, warm, ultimately feel-good read was sent to us by the author of the text originally published in Melbourne in Hrvatski Vjesnik (Croatian Herald), the largest circulating Croatian language (with English insert) weekly newspaper in the global Croatian diaspora. It runs about 7,000 copies and has a digital presence, too, including Facebook. The story features Frano Donjerković, a Croatian Australian living in Melbourne. Read on to feel like you want to return to your home in Croatia, even if it was never there.

The oasis of islands on the Croatian coast has been called “extreme magic,” an awake dream by Truman Capote.

Frano Donjerković left his village of Blato, on Korčula at the doughty and courageous age of 27, in search of a better life in freedom and economic prosperity, reaching the shores of Australia in 1986.  Leaving his home, family and community was a painful and sorrowful experience, and the memories of his youth, family and place have followed him all his life in Australia. Croatia has always been his home as he built a new life in Australia. He lives and works in Melbourne, married to Marien with a daughter Daniela and son Anthony.

Korčula is a magnificent island of artificers, stone masons, wood masters, smiths, shipwrights, sculptors and farmers, wine and olive oil masters and fishermen. Above all else, they are sailors; everyone can sail a boat, but on Blato most can turn to and make one. Korčula also has one of the best water polo teams in the world and many Olympic players. Korčula played a significant role in shipbuilding and maritime affairs in the history of Croatia because of its strategic geographical location and industry of its population.  The great sea powers of Europe wanted to control the narrow channel between Korčula and the Pelješac peninsula, especially on the route between Dubrovnik and Venice.

Blato was once the largest village in the country, boasting more than 12,000 residents in the mid-1920s after an economic boom. Frano Donjerković also recalls vivid stories of hardship and departure from his childhood. He remembers an event that affected Blato significantly, that in one afternoon in the early post-war period 1,200 residents left in search of a better life. Blato’s population today is significantly lower and there are an estimated three-time more people from Blato throughout the world, many in Australia.  

There are many things in Frano’s life that are typical of the immigrant experience, from the pursuit of freedom and economic property, to raising a family in a place where everything seems foreign and unintelligible in a completely new language and idioms of speech and cultural habits. That has not stopped Frano Donjerković from being a valued, engaged, and leading member of the Croatian community and his broader Australian community. He is President of the Croatian Social Club Zlinje/Blato, a local Melbourne community organisation that nurtures the culture and identity of people from Zlinje and Blato, which marked its thirtieth anniversary in 2021. His passion for fishing and recreational boating brought him into the Hobson Bay Sport and Game Fishing Club, where today he serves as vice president.

Korčula is famous for many things, and today it thrives as a haven for tourists. It is known as the Marco Polo Isle, the birthplace of that intrepid traveller and prolific storyteller. Frano’s journey took him further south on the other side of the world to Australia, where he tells the stories of his home, family, and community through artistic renditions of miniature boats, ships, and buildings, all from memory.

Korčula is one of the largest islands on the Adriatic surrounded by a crystal limpid water in the glittering arc of Canaletto-blue sea. It is a beautiful and verdant island, and life can be traced back tens of thousands of years. Its statute or governing constitution was enacted in 1214 and defines limits to power through a popular assembly, and spells out the roles of dukes, the grand council, small council, curia, and ensures the provision of utility services and sanitation. The statute is a “unique normative crossword puzzle” of medieval institutions, special freedoms, and layered jurisdictions, representing a genuine constitution. It predates the Statute of Dubrovnik (1272) and the Statute of the Principality of Poljica (1440), two republican poleis serving as pinpricks of freedom in the Adriatic.

Strabo, that intrepid travel writer born in 64 B.C., was the first to distinguish Korčula from Corfu: both were named Korkyra in ancient Greece. Strabo added “Melania” (“dark black”) and coined Korkyra Melaina to denote Korčula because it was so densely wooded. Korčula has been described as glorious and enchanting, one of the isles on which many would welcome shipwreck, but that would not last long because of its proximity to the mainland and its strategic location along the bridges of islands that croisette southern Croatia’s coast. The name Blato is literally “Mud,” a name taken after the fertile plains that link the village to the Vela Luka (the Grand Port). The literal translation is not accurate, however, and “blato” in early Croatian refers to a large body of water. The village received its name from a lake that existed in the valley between the village and port Vele Luka. This lake was drained in the early twentieth century by a four-kilometre tunnel to drain the water into the sea. The village shimmers in the iridescent light of its fortified stone structures and narrow lanes. The linden tree alley “Zlinje” was planted and stretches from one side of the village to the other. It partitions Blato into two and is all but impenetrable, with the additional marquis of arbutus, sage, lavender and rosemary, whose combined heady scents dazzle. All these, plus pine, cypress, and holm oak, which has been used by local shipwrights for a millennium, make Korčula one of the most aromatic and thickly vegetated villages in the Adriatic.

Frano Donjerković and his recreations

Frano’s creations are a freeze-frame of a time and experience lodged in his memory. His home in Blato was the third house built in the village, and its one,-metre-thick walls have not changed much since the first stone was laid. Frano has been creating his boats, houses, and other artifacts about 30 years ago in his studio that also poses as a garage. He works exclusively from memory, and doesn’t use plans, sketches, or photographs. All the images are in his mind, etched into his experience and memory of childhood growing up in the enchanting, industrious, and idyllic village of Blato.

Frano has exhibited twice at the Joel Gallery. In 2022 his exhibition was called “My Home in Croatia,” and in 2018, “Creations.” He has also displayed his creations at Croatian community centres in the past and plans to do more in the future. Photo courtesy of Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre


Frano’s family home held by generations since it was founded. As the third house built in Blato since the village was founded, with one-meter-thick walls, it has withstood the vastitudes of time and calamities of centuries.


Frano Donjerković remembers the soothing and inviting sound of church bells in Blato. The bell tower was built in the eighteenth century, and its loopholes in the walls suggest that it was also used for defensive purposes. The parish church is situated with a spacious loggia or square. The Our Lady of the Field church has Roman floors that place its beginnings in the fourth century. The remnants of a Roman agricultural estate (Junianum) and other artifacts dating back prehistoric and Illyrian times. 


Fishing schooners, boats and ships of cargo are etched in Frano’s memory. The boats are named after family members. The biggest boat took him a year to craft.



Frano’s family are also masters of winemaking. The first piece of creativity inspired by memories of his home in Croatia is the wine press that his grandfather acquired. This was Frano’s first creation from memory.

Kumpanija: the sword dance of heroes and romantics


Frano Donjerković performing the “Kumpanija,” a traditional sword dance celebrated in Blato and Vele Luka. As a young man, Frano joined the Knights’ Society Kumpanija (Companions), established as an ensemble in 1927, and is the pride of Blato. The ensemble keeps traditional dances and customs representing a chivalrous confrontation between two armies, with highlights of a sword dance that is accompanied with a menacing drum and harrowing bagpipe. The dance “Kumpanija” or “sword dance” celebrates the success of local armed formations to protect the village and port from pirates and would-be conquerors, which did not have traditional defensive fortifications or walls like many other coastal cities in Croatia’s coastal waters. The dance is wrought with intensity with high-impact sword duels. The “Kumpanija” dancers must have considerable agility, talent, and stamina.

The knights are divided into classes; (barjaktar, captain, kapural, srzetin, buzdonahar) and different parts of the dance (spuz, mostra, tanac, etc). Apart from the sparks flying from the swords, a particularly attractive role is demonstrated by the “alfir” (flag-bearer) and his large Croatian standard, which ends with a dance with the local ladies, called the “tanac.” The sword dance “Kumpanija” takes place in the square (plokata) in front of the Church of All Saints. The main performance takes place on 28 April every year to mark the Day of Blato, which is also the Feast of Saint Vincenca, and on 15 August, feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The “Kumpanija” also frequently performs across Croatia and Europe and can be seen during the height of the tourist season as a regular attraction.


Stand Here, Captain! 

By Mirjana Mrkela (story) and Niko Barun (illustrations)


The Blato Public Library and Knights’ Society Kumpanija, Blato in 2019 published a book on the sword dance by Mirjana Mrkela (story) and Niko Barun (illustrations). The book was published in both Croatian and English, with considerable detail on the story of each stage of the dance, including 36 beautifully illustrated pages under the title “Stand Here Captain! Information about acquiring the illustrated book can be obtained by writing to knjiznica.blato@gmail.com.







For more, make sure to check out our dedicated Croatian Diaspora section.

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Next Stop Zadar! 50+ Attendees at TCN/AVG Returnee Reflections Night https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/returnee-reflections-night/ https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/returnee-reflections-night/#respond Wed, 12 Oct 2022 09:11:35 +0000 https://total-croatia-news.com/?p=125668 Things are changing. Slowly.  But I can feel it. It is still a trickle, but the diaspora is starting to return to the Homeland. A younger generation, not blinded by politics and Communism conspiracy theories, but rather enthused with love of their roots and with an entrepreneurial spirit.  And this whole thing escalated VERY quickly.  ... Read more

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Things are changing.


But I can feel it.

It is still a trickle, but the diaspora is starting to return to the Homeland.

A younger generation, not blinded by politics and Communism conspiracy theories, but rather enthused with love of their roots and with an entrepreneurial spirit. 

And this whole thing escalated VERY quickly. 


One month ago, I posted a status on Facebook and LinkedIn. I have always had lots of email from the Croatian diaspora over the years, but it has increased considerably this year. My haters still send in their abuse and occasional death threats, but less so. I do miss their love though – does anyone have a better epitaph on their tombstone than me? ‘Tito cock-sucking British Jew writing fluff to humanise mass murderers in the Jewish style when socially engineering a people for ruin.’

But the increased email activity is coming from returnees, both actual and wannabes. More and more people are getting in touch to tell me about their experiences returning to the Homeland and giving it a try. And even more telling me how they would like to return but there is so little information. 


And so a month ago, I posted that I would be happy to do interviews with any returnee who wanted to share their experiences. I was stunned by what happened next. No less than 63 returnees contacted me, all wanting to share their story. Not all were positive experiences, but I agreed to publish them all, good and bad, to give those thinking of returning a better overall picture. The Croatian Returnee Reflections series has been the most interesting thing on TCN in recent weeks, and you can follow it in the dedicated section here


A few days ago, another returnee called Marija Franic contacted me on LinkedIn to ask if we could organise a returnee event, so that people could meet, exchange experiences, and network. I tested the idea on social media and invited those who had done interviews for the series and lived in Zagreb. The response was very positive, and Sime Lisica from Bibinje via Sydney also got involved. And so the concept of TCN/AVG Croatian Returnee Reflections Nights was born, the first of which took place at the fabulous Swanky Monkey Garden in Zagreb last night. 

Am very grateful to our named speakers for sharing their stories – Eugene Brcic Jones, Andrian Juric, Maria Pokrivka, and Sime Lisica – as well as about 10 others who stood up to share their stories. 


I think many were surprised at just how many returnees showed up, and I also think that people are slowly beginning to see that there are a growing number of returnees bringing their positive mindset. 

It is time to connect them, to tell their stories, and to show those thinking of making the move that – as flawed as Croatia undoubtedly is – the benefits outweigh the problems. Not for everyone, as Croatia full-time is most certainly not for everyone, but for many. 

It was a wonderful evening of new connections, heartwarming stories, and lots of laughs, and one which we agreed we would repeat soon. 

Sime has agreed to work with me on this, and we will start to organise regular TCN/AVG Croatian Returnee Reflections Nights all over the country in the coming 12 months. We will do one more in Zagreb next month, then Zadar is next on the list, as there seems to be a growing returnee community there. We plan to do this in December when I visit Zadar for the book promotion event for Croatia, a Survival Kit for Foreigners, which is out now on Amazon.

I will create a TCN/AVG Returnee Networking Facebook Group in the coming days to see if we can find ways to better connect and get the story out. Additionally, with the imminent relaunch of TCN, the online magazine with news, we will have a big section on How to Return. This will be full of practical advice as well as real experiences. If anyone wants to help me with this, please email paul@total-croatia-news.com Subject Returnee Help. 

Thanks to all who came last night. I think we took the first step in what could be an incredibly interesting journey. 

If you would like to share your returnee experience, contact paul@total-croatia-news.com Subject Returnee


What’s it like living in Croatia, and where can you get the best survival tips? TCN CEO Paul Bradbury and TCN Editor Lauren Simmonds have teamed up to publish Croatia, a Survival Kit for Foreigners – out now on Amazon.

Follow Paul Bradbury on LinkedIn.



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CWN/MHŽ Opens Nominations for the 2023 Croatian Women of Influence Awards https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/2023-croatian-women-of-influence-awards/ https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/2023-croatian-women-of-influence-awards/#respond Wed, 28 Sep 2022 14:21:17 +0000 https://total-croatia-news.com/?p=125341   Recognizing leadership, innovation, and community impact “Since 2016, CWN/MHŽ has been recognizing and celebrating Croatian women the world over with the only award of its kind. We are thrilled to be returning to Zagreb following a two-year hiatus due to pandemic restrictions,” noted Caroline Spivak, founder of Croatian Women’s NetworkTM/Mreža Hrvatskih Žena. “It is ... Read more

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Recognizing leadership, innovation, and community impact

“Since 2016, CWN/MHŽ has been recognizing and celebrating Croatian women the world over with the only award of its kind. We are thrilled to be returning to Zagreb following a two-year hiatus due to pandemic restrictions,” noted Caroline Spivak, founder of Croatian Women’s NetworkTM/Mreža Hrvatskih Žena. “It is a privilege to be able to shine a light on the most inspiring and influential Croatian women and to celebrate their achievements.”

The Croatian Women of Influence Award recognizes the leadership, innovation, and community impact of Croatian women. A companion Future Leaders award recognizes enterprising young women between the ages of 16 to 21 who demonstrate extraordinary talent and leadership. “Supporting the success of young and emerging leaders is an area where we have the most significant opportunity to champion future generations of successful Croatian women,” said Spivak.





Nominations can be submitted by visiting www.crotianwomensnetwork.org and will be accepted up until October 23, 2022.

Awards will be presented at a gala event celebrating International Women’s Day, following CWN/MHŽ’s signature conference: Advancing Women, Advancing Economies. Realize the Potential! on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, in Zagreb.

The Croatian Women’s NetworkTM/Mreža Hrvatskih Žena (www.CroatianWomensNetwork.org) is a global forum that celebrates, champions, and connects distinguished women of Croatian ancestry from around the world who work together to inspire and champion each other. The Croatian Women of Influence Awards and the Future Leader Awards honor their achievements.




 Media Contacts: 

Ivana Perkovac
Profile Communications Corp.
+385 (92) 1660-630

Caroline Spivak
Founder, Croatian Women’s Network™/Mreža Hrvatskih Žena
+1 (416) 371-9740

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Project “KRAVATA” is underway as a symbol of Croatian culture https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/project-kravata/ https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/project-kravata/#respond Tue, 27 Sep 2022 13:51:44 +0000 https://total-croatia-news.com/?p=125320 “Kravata” team members are Nada Pritišanac Matulich (Project Manager and Coordinator), Ana Katalinić (Key Account Manager), Branka Bezic Filipovic (Key Account Manager, South America), and Mate Pavković (Public Relations Manager).       The first exhibit will be at Rochester Institute of Technology Croatia Dubrovnik Campus from June 8 – 11, 2023, which will be a symbolic exhibit as it will namely showcase Dubrovnik’s diplomatic tradition. ... Read more

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“Kravata” team members are Nada Pritišanac Matulich (Project Manager and Coordinator), Ana Katalinić (Key Account Manager), Branka Bezic Filipovic (Key Account Manager, South America), and Mate Pavković (Public Relations Manager).  



The first exhibit will be at Rochester Institute of Technology Croatia Dubrovnik Campus from June 8 – 11, 2023, which will be a symbolic exhibit as it will namely showcase Dubrovnik’s diplomatic tradition. The exhibit will then travel to Aspira University College Split on June 15, 2023, before heading to the Zagreb School of Economics and Management on July 7, 2023, in conjunction with the 7th Annual ACAP Conference. From Zagreb, the exhibit will travel to other Universities and institutions around the world.  


At the end of the project, organizers intend to create a necktie museum in Zagreb where tourists, as well as Croats and their children, will have the opportunity to learn about influential and successful Croats from the Croatian diaspora who have contributed to creating a positive image of Croatia and the Croatian people abroad. If you would like to donate or contribute to project “Kravata”, reach out to organizers at kravata@crodiaspora.com

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First Digital Census of Croats and Descendants in Argentina Presented https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/census-of-croats/ https://total-croatia-news.com/news/diaspora/census-of-croats/#respond Fri, 15 Jul 2022 06:59:42 +0000 https://total-croatia-news.com/?p=122808 The first digital census of the Croats and their descendants in Argentina was presented in the premises of the Croatian Heritage Foundation (https://matis.hr/) on Tuesday. The census was conducted from June 30, 2020 to June 15, 2022 by Cristian Šprljan, Iva Vidić and Jelena Nadinić. The census was presented by Jelena Nadinić, a member of the Committee ... Read more

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The first digital census of the Croats and their descendants in Argentina was presented in the premises of the Croatian Heritage Foundation (https://matis.hr/) on Tuesday. The census was conducted from June 30, 2020 to June 15, 2022 by Cristian Šprljan, Iva Vidić and Jelena Nadinić.

The census was presented by Jelena Nadinić, a member of the Committee on Croats outside the Republic of Croatia, and returnees – immigrants Paula GadžaNadir Ivanović and Soledad Rusoci


The census included forty general and special questions, and all communication networks were used in its implementation. It was proudly pointed out that the project united all Croatian communities in Argentina and that many prominent Croats in Argentina participated in the call for participation in the census. The census achieved its goals, considering that it was on a voluntary basis, and there were totally 18,041 registered participants. 


A poor turnout of young people was observed. It was pointed out that 97% of respondents were born in Argentina and that their average age was 42 years. Young people between the ages of 14 and 42, 6,800 of them, were specially surveyed in the period from March 23 to 29, 2022. The results showed that many descendants, even 67% of them, do not speak Croatian language because there is a lack of learning opportunities. Although a large part of the Croatian descendants in Argentina is very active in Croatian communities and associations, many do not have Croatian citizenship. The conclusion of the census clearly indicates that it is very important to promote Croatian heritage in the future. Projects like this could be implemented in other countries as well to get a more accurate number number of the Croatian emigrants in the world. 

For more, check out our lifestyle section.

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