Croatian Wine Producers Archives - Total Croatia Sat, 20 May 2023 22:26:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Croatian Wine Producers Archives - Total Croatia 32 32 Makar Winery in Ludbreg Sat, 20 May 2023 21:58:40 +0000 Small vineyards on tame hills are an attribute of the Ludbreg wine region. Just such a small vineyard has made it possible for Makar family to give each vine plenty of attention and love so it can grow excellent grapes to create quality white wine. All Makar family wines can be tasted in the interior ... Read more

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Small vineyards on tame hills are an attribute of the Ludbreg wine region. Just such a small vineyard has made it possible for Makar family to give each vine plenty of attention and love so it can grow excellent grapes to create quality white wine. All Makar family wines can be tasted in the interior tasting room with 60 places, or the exterior tasting space that breathes history and has a straw roof, just like the old wine cellars that used to be here. All family members participate in vineyard and wine cellar chores, while happily sharing their pleasure with achieved results with anyone who visits.

Products: coupage “Poštenjak”

White sorts: Graševina, Manzoni, Yellow Muscat, Rhine Riesling

Address: Vinogradi Ludbreški 128/h/1, 42230 Ludbreg
Telephone: +385 (0) 99 310 8878
Cell phone: +385 (0) 98 55 55 82
Contact person: Marko Makar
Opening hours: per arrangement

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Gandalf of the Motovun Forest – Tomaz Winery in Motovun Sat, 20 May 2023 21:58:40 +0000 Motovun is a fairy tale town that always takes me back to my childhood; I don’t know if I have ever thought of Motovun, without thinking of Veli Jože – unbreakable bonds. The Motovun forest itself, providing us with the best and most valued truffles in the world… Is this not a fairy tale of ... Read more

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Motovun is a fairy tale town that always takes me back to my childhood; I don’t know if I have ever thought of Motovun, without thinking of Veli Jože – unbreakable bonds. The Motovun forest itself, providing us with the best and most valued truffles in the world… Is this not a fairy tale of sorts?

Walking through Motovun in the evening, while unreal shadows appear… In those moments you cannot avoid feeling magical. And if you’re lucky to come across the Motovun a capella group practicing in the local church, then either you’re a lucky man or you keep the company of wizards, and we combined the two this time.

The story can begin just like any other…

Fine, maybe a little different.

Not so long ago, next to the walls of Motovun, there was a butchery and a young butcher inside. At the time, he did not know fate would take him in another direction. Our young butcher was called Klaudio. He toiled and did his job well, but was not quite happy.

One morning, at the crack of dawn coming over Motovun, a ray of sun awoke Klaudio and he realised: “Vines! Yes, this is my life!”

Later… Well, later is a dream Klaudio Tomaz and his family are still dreaming.

Why Gandalf?

Well, because his wines are truly magical!

Naturally, Malvasia has a special place in his cellar. The “ordinary” or as we like to say “basic”, named Avangarde, is anything but ordinary. It is an exceptionally harmonious and balanced wine. Fine, green aroma takes your thoughts to green pastures and into vineyards, while the soft and delicate taste has numerous associations; this does not surprise me, as Klaudio always vinifies several tanks, each a little different. The time before last I visited, the night magic of wine tasting began from the tanks, in an attempt to a final coupage. We finished around 4 in the morning. Personally, I was not any smarter; I know we searched for a tank with more salts in a Malvasia and naturally we concluded something in the end – me, however, I don’t know what, but what Klaudio poured into a bottle and we drank in a few months, was more than excellent (I think he enchanted me in the end so I wouldn’t discover his secret).

His macerated Malvasia, Sesto Senso – this wine belongs in the top of Croatian winemaking; maybe one of the most harmonious wines I know. This wine, as you drink it, takes you to another dimension… Simply, marvellous! If you are a fan of serious wines, then this one you will keep coming back to. I won’t discuss the tastes and experience of the wine, it is all very subjective; I will say just this: if you truly care for a lady, then Sesto Senso will be the best choice, as the wine is pure magic.

If this doesn’t succeed, then you have an ace up your sleeve, called Dolce Anima and belongs among the best Muscats I have tasted, and I truly have tasted many.

Merlot Silente… This wine I am bonded to, as I was its godfather (I named it), and why Silente – because it is so good it will leave you speechless. This was the basic idea, and you can check if it’s true.

In any folk story or almost any there is a pirate, so we have our Barbarossa; a truly pirate name for a Terrano. In fact this is what they called Klaudio’s ancestor; naturally due to his red beard. This Terrano is a special story… I am not a huge fan of Terrano, but this one was fine, smooth; full, mighty but not robust… Yes, an excellent wine. In Barbarossa you will find all a Terrano needs to have and it will all be more pronounced; it has a special savour. I only regret Klaudio did not send it to Decanter; I believe it would have gained a 69 (sorry, flip the numbers, I saw some weird films yesterday so I think my computer is still in shock) points. Why is his Terrano like this? There is a certain magic, a special scissors cut… No! I will not tell you what magic this is. This can only be told by Klaudio Tomaz, but I must warn you it usually happens in his cellar, when the night is anything but young.

Usually, outside the cellar, Klaudio is just an ordinary man who loves his family, not surprising, as the wife Danijela is such a good being that she always makes you feel better and cheerful. The two daughters are warm and lovely, wonderful young persons, who are already contributing to the joint magic. And the son… He is somehow ordained to take ove rhte family business some day and it seems he is aware of his direction. The Tomaz family is harmonious and ruled by love, or better said, love magic.

In business, the goal is to reach around 20 hectares or around 100-120 thousand bottles and this would be a rounded business, and how it will go, we will see; so far, so good. A new winery is also planned, but on that when the time comes. I am on top of the situation and believe me, you will know.

And… A small secret… At dinner, in the excellent Mondo konoba, where I have to point out the red chicory and Terrano risotto, I discovered a secret – Klaudio is probably the only Istrian I know that doesn’t eat truffles. He has dogs, goes truffle hunting, but doesn’t eat them.

If you thought they are a family only looking forward… Not! The first to fill your glass when you arrive at the Tomaz’s, is a glass of sparkling wine form Terrano. Excellent, exceptionally fresh sparkling wine named Pier. In memory of Klaudio’s grandfather.

Yes, I will tell, however, the magical formula of this wonderful and hardworking family.

Look to the future, respect the past and give the best you can with a heap of love. And that’s it! Simple, isn’t it?

For the original and more from the G.E.T. team, click here.

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Movia – Vesna and Aleš Kristančič Sat, 20 May 2023 21:57:22 +0000 The time has come to share with you my impressions from a visit to Vesna and Aleš Kristančič. I purposely delayed for a week or two, for the feelings to settle, because if you write an article right after visiting Movia, it’s easy to fall into an euphoria trap so there’s a danger of being ... Read more

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The time has come to share with you my impressions from a visit to Vesna and Aleš Kristančič. I purposely delayed for a week or two, for the feelings to settle, because if you write an article right after visiting Movia, it’s easy to fall into an euphoria trap so there’s a danger of being told the man paid you to write such lines, which I wanted to avoid for two reasons; it’s not my style and Aleš doesn’t deserve it – he’s too much of a winemaker to even think that. So time has come for this article so let’s get started.

My friends Sanja and Tomislav Stručić expressed their desire to visit the Movia winery about a year ago and it took us a while to coordinate dates and availability and agree on a date. The four of us set off, as this trip couldn’t be done without Silvija. The three of them were going to Movia for the first time, so the excitement was strong, but expected – after all, Movia isn’t just any winery.

Vesna and Aleš greeted us with lunch and what’s more important, a kiss and a large, honest smile. This simplicity – the virtue of great people. No affectation or grandiose statements; their grandeur is known and they are aware of it, but they don’t dish it out constantly. Browsing through photos on the famous table, standing at the exit towards the terrace, you come across a few showing Vesna and Aleš with certain “crowned heads” and in conversation you realize that between yourself and those “crowned heads” there isn’t a big difference in how we perceive Vesna and Aleš.

Aleš himself speaks fervently of world capitals and his presentations there the same way he speaks to Tomislav Stručić about Ludbreg and his vineyards, something you cannot fake but carry within you.

You probably know plenty of the wines from Movia cellars, so I won’t delve into them. It’s general knowledge they deal with biodynamical cultivation and wine philosophy. Wine is kept and fed with its own residue, which is the basic concept of this wine discipline that many still dispute, but once you try 15-year old and older wines and feel the freshness and playfulness of it, you cannot be indifferent. My friend Stručić tasted the residue, spun them in his mouth, munched on them, spoke to Aleš, hopefully learning something. He met a different wine world up close, since Aleš’s world is something quite different, a completely different perception of wine and here, you either give in or go in another direction, since

Aleš’s philosophy cannot be done halfway. But, why is it so and why does Aleš belong with the best winemakers in the world?
Firstly, he is the 8th generation of a family of winemakers that lives off wine and for wine; for him this wine philosophy is in his genes, stronger than him. When you observe his hands, it’s apparent he lives off the land. Aleš likes to say about himself: “I am a serf, I live off the land.” People who drink his world-renown wines picture him in Paris, Dubai, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and all over, but few people have the fortune, such as me, to see him in the vineyard and feel his passion for land and vine. It’s only here you can meet the real Aleš, in fact only here can you begin to understand him, as you can see him in a different light. So you and your perception of Aleš changes, but he is actually the same and that’s the real force behind Aleš Kristančič and Movia.

The second major factor is, Aleš is a master of balance. Every action has a reaction. As all in life – if you received something from the land, then you must give something back and not poison it for short term benefit. With wines it’s all about a balance between sun and rain, alcohol and acid, barrels and air, years of aging and love. Such is life, balancing between the big world and your family that is your world, a balance between dreams and reality and of course, balancing a marriage between a woman and man. Balance is the basis of everything.

The latter, the balance between Vesna and him is, I believe, the well from which Aleš draws his strength. Vesna and him are the perfect yin and yang.

One small digression… Vesna and Aleš began their love story in 1992. The same year began the love story of my great love, my Višnja and me. There’s something in that “vintage” and I believe their 1992 Grey Pinot proves it. And after 24 years, you can still feel the chemistry between them. That’s strength. I feel that Aleš displays in his wines, somehow, a part of Vesna, her strength, grandeur, her love, but also pouring a lot of his own love into the wines. Wine is his medium where he intertwines their love and it can be felt – which is why those wines are still alive after 24 years; they may be different, but they’re also strong and full of life.

Aleš is quick, energetic, what I like to say – 100 kilos of pure energy. He’s also a showman, playing several instruments, singing, showing off – just look what he’s done with the opening of his sparkling, which is a fantastic wine, but I believe many have heard of it due to the way he opens it in water. Such an opening is always a show that attracts attention and Aleš balances perfectly between a showman and winemaker. But, going back to him and Vesna – he is energetic, impulsive and easily veers off course, like a wonderful river that drags you along, but Vesna is his bank, both left and right and without banks there are no mighty rivers.

I’m aware that some won’t understand what I’m writing about and I’m truly sorry, as it means they have never met their true love, their river or their bank. It means they don’t live life to the fullest, don’t do a job they love and real happiness and real life are passing them by. And yes, this is an article about wine, as Aleš, Vesna, their wines and their love are in perfect balance and don’t exist if you omit any piece.

I didn’t mention their two wonderful children, almost in their own, these children are the very essence of their love, but I believe that part of their family needs no lines right now; that time will come. I must mention a young lady, Tanja Saksida. This lady has the role of sommelier in the Movia cellars and she receives the guests, with such perfection, such love, as if presenting her own wines. She is family. It’s been long since I’ve seen someone go about their work with such love, while working for someone else. This is influenced, of course, by the way Vesna and Aleš treat her.

I met her since it happened she hosted a group of Italians the same day we were there. We quickly decided to invite them to our table; they had the fortune to taste wines that are not regularly available for tasting, but the vibe in Movia… A miracle! Very soon we were all singing karaoke – Italians, us, Aleš, Vesna, even Tanja, as if we know each other for a hundred years, just another magical moment in Movia cellars.

I’ve tried to give you a vision of Vesna and Aleš. Don’t know if I succeeded – judge by yourself, but there’s also a detail I want to share with you.

When we published on Facebook a day or two later a photo album, there were surprised comments about how lucky we were to have Aleš spend an entire day with us. No, we weren’t lucky, such was our arrangement, since I consider Aleš and Vesna our friends, and vice versa I believe. In friendship there is a relation and respect, not luck, as I view them as wonderful people, not as wine presenters in London. Small nighttime talks with Aleš, eye to eye, in his Magnum cellar – I wouldn’t trade for anything. What did we talk about? Ha! You will never know. 🙂 To stay friends, we don’t need to see each other every day; we can meet every few years, but we’re friends and for that I’m eternally grateful to Vesna and Aleš.

P.S. We’re soon going back with Višnja so that the four of us can open a 1992 Grey Pinot in peace. It was a year of birth of great wines and great loves. Vesna and Aleš, ciao, kiss and see you!

Original article in Croatian.

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Korta Katarina Sat, 20 May 2023 21:57:22 +0000 On the way to Korčula, if not going through Split, it’s impossible not to pass by Korta Katarina and not stop at least for a short while. So we did and Korta surprised and thrilled me all over again. The G.E.T. crew has been here many times, but our photographer Helena was not and it ... Read more

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On the way to Korčula, if not going through Split, it’s impossible not to pass by Korta Katarina and not stop at least for a short while. So we did and Korta surprised and thrilled me all over again. The G.E.T. crew has been here many times, but our photographer Helena was not and it was lovely to see how Korta excites her. Repeatedly there is a flash in her eyes when she discovers a new detail that occupies her photographic thoughts. In a way this was also a new Korta experience for us. It wasn’t just pouring, it was like someone was emptying a bucket from the skies. There I saw another face of Korta that stands firm, regardless of the wind and rain and immediately saw a new beauty, but also a great power it emanates.

Wonderful, shiny, bathed in rain… Quite grateful for that moment.

As Nika’s replacement we were greeted by Korta’s winegrower, our old acquaintance Arsen, who took us through the cellar. Glasses in hand, of course. We tasted two new roses with opposing styles, but both excellent. I don’t doubt Nika will find the best coupage combination and when I try to imagine the splice of these two wines, I am certain – the result will be great. We naturally tried the Pošip, young, still hazy, but impressive, showing great potential already. If this Pošip is any indication, this will be a vintage to remember. It’s impossible to leave Korta without trying the Plavac this winery is proud of. Naturally we did. It’s hard to describe it while it’s still a baby, but true wine connoisseurs will see its potential and I’m glad I tried it now, as years will pass by the time it reaches the market and I’ll be by a few times to see it develop.

The ability to follow such a wine develop – a huge benefit of our job; an indescribable feeling giving one a completely different relation and respect of it by the time it reaches the market.

At the end of our short stay, timed by our ferry departure to Korčula, we tasted a 2008 Plavac. Well… fantastic wine! One can truly enjoy it and this wine needs not be accompanied with food. Doesn’t need anything! Maybe some good company, but if not, this wine will keep you great company.

It should be noted that the reconstruction of the future hotel is nearing its end. They hope to be able to host guests by next season. Workers pushing through the bad weather give us hope this will be so. It’s all pretty rough still, but we have no doubt the hotel will be a wonderful combination of Dalmatian architecture and modern decoration, such as the winery itself. What that looks like and how luxurious it is… Hopefully we’ll write about it next year, as G.E.T. will surely be among the first to view the hotel.

The ferry leaves in a few minutes… Always a little late leaving Korta. Rushing off! See you soon!

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Bolfan Vinski Vrh Winery in Hraščina Sat, 20 May 2023 21:57:22 +0000 In accordance with Croatian tradition and wine culture, emotions tied to wine gatherings, the winery is completely open to wine lovers who are always welcome to browse the property, taste wines, learn about our philosophy of producing superior wines and attend educational seminars. Visitors can make use of the wine tasting room, a modern presentation ... Read more

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In accordance with Croatian tradition and wine culture, emotions tied to wine gatherings, the winery is completely open to wine lovers who are always welcome to browse the property, taste wines, learn about our philosophy of producing superior wines and attend educational seminars.

Visitors can make use of the wine tasting room, a modern presentation space, Vinski Vrh restaurant, wine cellar, Vinski Vrh souvenir shop, enjoyable walks on the property, picnic spaces and team building.

An entire day can be spent on winery grounds enjoying wines, winemakers, exploring products and enjoying meals prepared in slow food methodology and combined with Bolfan wines, in complete and relaxing peace and quiet.

Wines can be tasted in a very relaxed atmosphere, along with cold cuts (cheese, cream, sausages, bacon, dry cheeses).

Accommodation is available in five two-person rooms, exclusively decorated. Prior reservation is advised.

Food: home cooked, organic
White sorts: Chardonnay, Graševina, White Pinot, Gray Pinot, Rhine Riesling, Rizvanac, Sauvignon, Traminer
Red sorts: Cabernet Sauvignon, Frankovka, Black Pinot, Portugieser
Product offer: Bolfan wines, delicatessen, gift certificates, gift packages, souvenirs
Enologists: Irena Žugec, Luka Koščak, Andrej Rebernišek

Address: Gornjaki 56, 49283 Hraščina
Telephone: +385 (0)49 458 287
Cell phone: +385 (0)99 703 1797
Contact person: Branimir Puškadija

Opening hours:
Restaurant: Mon, Tue – closed • Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat – from 12 h to 20 h • Sun – 12 to 18h or per arrangement
Closed on holidays (Christmas, Easter, All Saints…)

Reception: Mon, Tue – closed • Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat – from 12 h to 20 h • Sun – 12 to 18h or per arrangement

For the original and more from the G.E.T. Guide to wine, click here.

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Stina Winery in Bol, Brač Island Sat, 20 May 2023 21:57:21 +0000 Stina winery was founded in 2009 and owns 70 hectares of vineyards on the island of Brač where it grows mostly indigenous Dalmatian sorts: Plavac Mali, Crljenak, Pošip and Vugava. Wine production is in the very centre of Bol, a renowned Dalmatian tourism destination, built in 1903 for the First Dalmatian Wine Cooperative. Brač island, ... Read more

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Stina winery was founded in 2009 and owns 70 hectares of vineyards on the island of Brač where it grows mostly indigenous Dalmatian sorts: Plavac Mali, Crljenak, Pošip and Vugava. Wine production is in the very centre of Bol, a renowned Dalmatian tourism destination, built in 1903 for the First Dalmatian Wine Cooperative.

Brač island, where Stina is located, through history has been known and recognised mostly by its specific white stone, as well as artists who lived and created on Brač, inspired by the beauty of Brač and Brač stone. That same stone (stina in local dialect) is a symbol of the hard work of Brač winemakers.

The label of Stina wines is inspired by Brač stone, a strong symbol of Brač island.

The love for winemaking and wine growing, supported by superior technology and knowledge, placed Stina wines in a short period among recognisable and appreciated premium brands of Croatian winemaking, winning over consumers and earning medals in domestic and many foreign markets.

Products: Plavac mali Barrique, Plavac mali Majstor, Plavac mali Remek djelo, Pošip Majstor, sort wines, Stina Cuvee
White sorts: Chardonnay, Pošip, Vugava
Red sorts: Cabernet Sauvignon, Crljenak, Merlot, Plavac mali, Syrah
Enologists: Rikard Perić, Leo Gracin

Address: Riva, 21420 Bol
Opening hours: May 1st to October 1st – 16h to midnight, other times per arrangement.
Cell phone: +385 (0)99 8155517
Contact person: Ivo Kraljević

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Bodren Winery in Hum na Sutli Sat, 20 May 2023 21:57:21 +0000 Bodren winery is a synonym for superior wine predicates. The winery laid its vineyards in a region of absolute ecological attributes, on rested hills of tame Croatian Zagorje. Along with numerous international recognitions and gold medals in domestic and international ratings and tastings, just in the last five years the Bodren winery boasts six gold ... Read more

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Bodren winery is a synonym for superior wine predicates. The winery laid its vineyards in a region of absolute ecological attributes, on rested hills of tame Croatian Zagorje. Along with numerous international recognitions and gold medals in domestic and international ratings and tastings, just in the last five years the Bodren winery boasts six gold medals, eight silver and six bronze medals from the Decanter World Wine Awards in London, one of the most prestigious global wine producer competitions, while in 2011 the ice harvest Bodren 2009 won the DWWA Regional Trophy and was classified in the Top 10 sweet wines. The newest recognition for the quality of Bodren ice wines came from the leading global rating competition International Wine Challenge 2014 – Bodren ice wine 2011 was awarded a gold medal, White Pinot ice wine 2012 a silver, while the Chardonnay selected harvest of dried grapes 2010 a bronze.

Products: predicate wines (late harvest, dried grapes, ice wine)
White sorts: Chardonnay, Yelow Muscat, White Pinot, Gray Pinot, Rhine Riesling, Rizvanac, Sauvignon, Traminer

Address: Rusnica 64, 49231 Hum na Sutli
Opening hours: per arrangement
Telephone: +385 49 340 466
Cell phone: +385 98 378 688
Contact person: Boris Drenški

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Kolar Winery in Suza Sat, 20 May 2023 21:57:21 +0000 Baranja is known for fertile fields, vineyards and quality wine. The Kolar family history is intertwined with vines. The Kolar Family Farm from Suza grows field crops, vines and produces wines. Alongside this they opened catering in 2004, composed of the Kolar Cellars, wine tasting with a restaurant, where they offer a rich selection of ... Read more

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Baranja is known for fertile fields, vineyards and quality wine. The Kolar family history is intertwined with vines.

The Kolar Family Farm from Suza grows field crops, vines and produces wines. Alongside this they opened catering in 2004, composed of the Kolar Cellars, wine tasting with a restaurant, where they offer a rich selection of wines made on the premises as well as domestic traditional specialties.

The family counts seven members – Lajoš, Ilona, daughters Kinga and Sibila, son-in-law Mario and grandsons Niko and Roko.

Their tasting room, restaurant and accommodation were built and decorated from the heart, while striving to offer guests the best, what they themselves would love to eat and drink.

Products: Cuvée Sublanc, Cuvée Sunoir, Rose, sort wines
White sorts: Chardonnay, Graševina, White Pinot, Gray Pinot, Rhine Riesling, Sauvignon, Green Silvanac
Red sorts: Cabernet Sauvignon, Frankovka, Merlot, Black Pinot

Address: Maršala Tita 141, 31309 Suza
Opening hours: per arrangement
Telephone: +385 (0)31 733 006
Cell phone: +385 (0)91 524 9351

For the original and more from the G.E.T. Guide to wine, click here.

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Winery and Hotel Boškinac, Novalja, Pag Island Sat, 20 May 2023 21:57:20 +0000 Boškinac is more than a hotel, food and wine. Boškinac is a story in the embrace of Pag magic. Do you desire to escape to a place wrought with scents of sage and heather? Dive into peace and dream under baldachins next to a dense pine forest, on the edge of vineyards and olive groves? ... Read more

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Boškinac is more than a hotel, food and wine. Boškinac is a story in the embrace of Pag magic.

Do you desire to escape to a place wrought with scents of sage and heather? Dive into peace and dream under baldachins next to a dense pine forest, on the edge of vineyards and olive groves? Be careful what you wish for as this place causes permanent addiction, regardless of whether it is the explosion of taste, intoxicating scent of wine and salt or the view of the Novalja valley covered with the peace of centuries gone by.

White sorts: Chardonnay, Gegić, Sauvignon
Red sorts: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot
Main chef: Ivica Badurina

Address: Škopaljska ulica 220, 53291 Novalja
Telephone: +385 (0) 53 663 500
Contact person: Mirela Šuljić

For the original and more from the G.E.T. Guide on Wine, click here.

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Grabovac Winery in Donji Proložac Sat, 20 May 2023 21:57:20 +0000 Grabovac winery is the oldest private winery in the Imotski wine-growing region. Vines have been grown here since ancient times, while the experience in producing grapes and wine in the Grabovac family has been handed down for 200 years. Today, the family owns 15 hectares of vineyards on the best positions of Imotski region where ... Read more

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Grabovac winery is the oldest private winery in the Imotski wine-growing region. Vines have been grown here since ancient times, while the experience in producing grapes and wine in the Grabovac family has been handed down for 200 years. Today, the family owns 15 hectares of vineyards on the best positions of Imotski region where the domestic sorts Kujundžuša, Pošip, Trnjak and Vranac grow, as well as introduced sorts Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc, made into recognisable superior wines.

Products: Sort wines, sparkling wine Grabovac, Modro jezero, Crveno jezero – rose
White sorts: Chardonnay, Kujundžuša, Pošip, Sauvignon, Žilavka
Red sorts: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Trnjak, Vranac
Enologists: Mislav Maršić i Nikola Grabovac

Address: Križnog puta 17, 21264 Donji Proložac
Cell phone: +385 (0) 98 93 41 226
Contact person: Milan Grabovac

For the original and more from the G.E.T. Guide on Wine, click here.

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